Sunday, September 14, 2003

Approaching Terrifying Freedom

Gah. Attempted to be clever yesterday, by going into the Institute and printing out my dissertation ahead of time. Unfortunately, the Institute has started shutting down completely on Saturdays. A wasted trip, then, other than wandering round Waterstones seeing what books I’ll buy after Monday, when I will officially allow myself to buy things again.

Last night we had a barbecue for Jen’s birthday. I enjoyed myself, at one point being so drunk that I mistook the illuminated window of one of the neighbouring houses for the moon. We managed to leave some beer in the freezer so long that it, er, froze. I look forward to finding out how reconstituted beer tastes.

If anyone wants to know what an interesting Blog entry looks like, check out the most recent entry at “Mind On The Run”. Piracy, minor celebrities, and spoon-faced morons. One day my Blog will be that good.

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