Tuesday, March 24, 2009


As promised, videos of the wildlife from my visit to "Ocean Park" in Hong Kong.

The dolphins are housed in a place called "Dolphin University". This one just got a 2:2, but it's OK: that's what he expected to get.

In this one, the Dolphins can be heard talking, although the subject of the conversation is unclear.

A popular pastime for the members of "Dolphin University" is to roll over on their backs and let the water spray on their bellies.

I've always been fond of Rays, and this one very kindly surfaced and flapped along the shoreline while I was nearby.

Actually, they might be Seals rather than Sea Lions, but I'm not sure I can tell the difference. They seemed to like shooting along the bottom of the pool on their backs with their eyes closed.

"Lucky" has scars on his shell which suggest he was hit by a propeller. He spent several months in intensive care before joining the aquarium.

One of the main reasons I wanted to go to Ocean Park was the promise of Pandas. I was not disappointed. Apparently in the wild they are solitary animals, and the black-and-white coats help them avoid each other. It's no wonder breeding is such a problem for them.

These Pandas are asleep, and they don't have to justify themselves to you. The wobbling at the end of this clip is because a small child has just head-butted me in the stomach.

Jia Jia had been dozing sat up when I first got into the Panda enclosure. Then she woke up and scratched herself on a tree-trunk, to general excitement.

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